Beating Buffett: Portfolio Guide

What if I told you there was an investing secret known at our elite institutions which could propel your returns to beating Buffett?

In our article on, The Strategy that Beats Billionaires, we outlined an investing method that corroborates Harvard Business School’s research alongside our own returns in high return investing. Click below to learn more.

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Fast FI Club


Fast FI Club

Buy your Passive Money Machine by working with our Fast FI Club community.
Are you ready to change your life forever?

The Fast FI Club is about one thing: Fast Financial Freedom. That means a 5 year horizon, high return, passive cash flowing solution that takes you from $0 in passive income to your lifestyle fully paid for. We have a proven formula where you buy into a group of high return, cash flowing small businesses as a club. Click below to learn more.

Search Fund Primer

What is a Search Fund?

The research accomplished by the Harvard Business Graduate school shows that search funds on average earn an IRR of 38.5%. That’s an incredible return and presents an attractive method of passively investing in cash flowing small businesses. This is the core research that we build upon in our Fast FI Club to super charge investing returns.

To download a primer in Search Fund investing click the download button below.

Meet Joseph Drups

Joseph Drups specializes in acquiring and turning small businesses into passive cash flow machines. With this strategy, he incubates high return, cash flow portfolios for investors.

Joseph’s primary experience is in acquiring, merging, and managing 12 businesses from early start-ups to mature businesses over the last 10 years. This includes his Drups Ventures holding company that he scaled from $0 to $8+ Million in revenue in 6 years. His experience focuses on ecommerce, product development, digital marketing, and operations.

This experience includes passiv-FI-ing 6+ small businesses, and leading Drups Ventures to the Inc 5000 list of fastest growing companies in the U.S. multiple years.

Learn more about Joseph’s Origin Story, or connect with him on LinkedIn.

Disclosure: Financial Education

Nothing on this website should be considered personalized financial advice. Any and all communications by Drups Co LLC, Drups Ventures, Joseph Drups,, or its employees and affiliates (herein Drups Ventures), including but not limited to this website, any chat or messaging service and e-mail should not be considered personalized financial advice. All readers are advised to consult an investment advisor to determine if any investments or education is right for your unique situation. Although we may answer your general customer service questions, no owners, employees, or affiliates of Drups Ventures are licensed under securities laws to address your particular investment situation. Furthermore, the information on this website and any and all communications Drups Ventures or its employees provide is not intended to constitute and shall not constitute an offer to sell, the solicitation of an offer to sell, or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities.

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Beating Buffett: Fast FI Portfolio Guide

The Beating Buffett Portfolio Guide offers an investing strategy to beat the Titans of Wall Street like Warren Buffett.

  • Investing Secrets of Elites: Learn about the Harvard Business school investing methodology  that returns 3x an index fund.
  • Safe, High Returns: De-risk your high returns using the risk mitigation strategies of billionaires.
  • Fast FI Strategy: Learn an investing method to achieve Financial Freedom in  5 yrs or less.

Financial Freedom Blueprint

Do you want to accelerate financial freedom? 

Our Financial Freedom Blueprint gives you resources to fast track your success AND you’ll get new articles and resources delivered to your inbox when they’re available.

Click the Button below, and we’ll send you a Financial Freedom package outlining how to achieve:

  • 3x Returns: We offer an investment concept that may double or triple your returns. 
  • 5 Years to Retire: Our Fast FI focus looks for paths to retire in 5 years or less. 
  • Passive Money Machine: Passiv-FI your income by building your passive money machine.

Search Fund Primer

What is a search fund?

A search fund is a little understood vehicle that allows an acquisition entrepreneur to go purchase a business and run it. 

This method of investing in small businesses offers a passive and outsized return compared to other investment funds. 

In this primer, we delve into the Harvard Business research as well as our own experience related to acquiring small businesses.

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HELOC Personal Bank Sheet

Are you ready to pay-off your mortgage in 4 years and setup your personal HELOC bank?

  • Find Out Your Timeline to Pay-off Your Mortgage.
  • Enter Your Numbers and Everything Auto-Fills
  • Done-For-You Spreadsheet

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Our community will be open for new sign-ups soon! Join our waitlist to be the first to hear when it will be open!

De-Risk High Returns Spreadsheet

Click below to download this spreadsheet and begin de-risking your portfolio: 

  • Portfolio Balance Sheet: Get a portfolio balance sheet template to calculate net worth, assets, liabilities, cash flow, and income.
  • Risk Analysis: Download an automated spreadsheet to calculate your portfolio risk and help de-risk your portfolio.

Savvy Saving Spreadsheet

In this resource, we offer the process we use to carry out Zero-Based Budgeting and include a lot of other nuggets of gold for cutting costs, and increasing savings for a small business owner.

Click below to download the resource.