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The Financial Freedom Blueprint

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Join our Drups Investing email list and receive a Financial Freedom Bluprint.

We’ll package together some of our best resources in a bundle that explains a financial freedom Blueprint you can follow to achieve Financial Freedom in 5 years or less.

Also, receive insightful articles on building your money machine, financial freedom, and designing the life of your dreams.

Learn how to:

1) Receive 3x Returns compared to the stock market.

2) Retire in 5 Years.

3) Build your Passive Money Machine 

(Don’t worry, we don’t spam or sell your information.)

Frugal Operator’s Savvy Saving Spreadsheet

This is a resource from our Inc.com article: 9 Secrets of a Frugal Operator: How I Saved $47,923 in Expenses from my Small Business. In this resource, we offer the process we use to carry out Zero-Based Budgeting and include a lot of other nuggets of gold for cutting costs, and increasing savings for a small business owner.

Click below to download the resource.

Beating Buffett: Fast FI Portfolio Guide

What if I told you there was a strategy in investing that’s been known for decades at our elite institutions but could propel your returns to beating Warren Buffett and George Soros’ investing return at their peak?

In our article, 32% Return: The Strategy that Beats Billionaires, we outlined the Harvard Business School Research and our own experience in Cash Flow Small Business investing. This companion guide takes the concepts covered in our article to the next level to discuss how to manage risk without sacrificing returns using our Fast FI portfolio.

Download this guide if you’re inspired to take your investing portfolio to the next level and beat the titans of Wall Street while managing risk.

Pay off Your Mortgage in 4 Years – HELOC Personal Bank Strategy – Spreadsheet Download

Are you ready to pay off your mortgage in 4 years and setup a HELOC bank for life?

This strategy gives you a path to pay off your mortgage in 4 years, but it also offers much more.

Using your house equity as a personal bank provides you a flexible way to store money that generally outperforms high yield savings accounts. It replaces the need for a bank savings account, and let’s you draw cash from your home equity to buy large purchases like a car. 

Finally, this investment strategy offers you a way to keep your real estate as an inflation hedge while investing the home equity in other investments or purchases. This type of investing earns you the benefits of owning multiple investments and super-charges any investment philosophy it’s applied to.

This spreadsheet download is a companion resource that allows you to calculate your own HELOC Bank numbers, discover your personal timeline, and setup your assumptions. If you haven’t yet read the article, HELOC Personal Bank Strategy: Pay Off your Mortgage in 4 Years, check it out since it offers a more complete explanation for setting up your Personal Bank with a HELOC line of credit.

I hope you find this spreadsheet helpful as you work toward financial freedom.

De-Risk High Returns: Portfolio Incubator Strategy – Spreadsheet Download


32%+ returns in investing; that’s incredible… but… what about risk?

Good question. Portfolio theory offers a methodology to buy down risk by increasing diversification. However, it’s not what you’ve been told.

8+ uncorrelated assets give you about 80% of the benefit of diversification without watering down your returns to near nothing like our Wall Street myths suggest (See Debunking Wall Street Wisdom). 

I discuss this in more depth in the companion article to this spreadsheet: De-Risk High Returns – The Portfolio Incubator Strategy. If you haven’t read that article, then check it out to get the most out of this spreadsheet. The key here is that we want to use 8+ uncorrelated HIGH RETURN ASSETS. This is one of Buffett’s genius evolutions of his investing career. He started looking at long-term stable businesses like Coca Cola as equivalent to the risk profile of a bond. We apply that perspective to stable small businesses to buy down risk with a portfolio.

I hope you find this spreadsheet helpful as you work toward financial freedom.

Search Fund Primer

What is a Search Fund?

The research accomplished by the Harvard Business Graduate school shows that search funds on average earn an IRR of 38.5%. That’s an incredible return and presents an attractive method of passively investing in cash flowing small businesses. This is the core research that we build upon in our Fast FI Club to super charge investing returns.

To download a primer in Search Fund investing click the download button below.

Financial Freedom Blueprint

Do you want to accelerate financial freedom? 

Our Financial Freedom Blueprint gives you resources to fast track your success AND you’ll get new articles and resources delivered to your inbox when they’re available.

Click the Button below, and we’ll send you a Financial Freedom package outlining how to achieve:

  • 3x Returns: We offer an investment concept that may double or triple your returns. 
  • 5 Years to Retire: Our Fast FI focus looks for paths to retire in 5 years or less. 
  • Passive Money Machine: Passiv-FI your income by building your passive money machine.

Savvy Saving Spreadsheet

In this resource, we offer the process we use to carry out Zero-Based Budgeting and include a lot of other nuggets of gold for cutting costs, and increasing savings for a small business owner.

Click below to download the resource.

Beating Buffett: Fast FI Portfolio Guide

The Beating Buffett Portfolio Guide offers an investing strategy to beat the Titans of Wall Street like Warren Buffett.

  • Investing Secrets of Elites: Learn about the Harvard Business school investing methodology  that returns 3x an index fund.
  • Safe, High Returns: De-risk your high returns using the risk mitigation strategies of billionaires.
  • Fast FI Strategy: Learn an investing method to achieve Financial Freedom in  5 yrs or less.

HELOC Personal Bank Sheet

Are you ready to pay-off your mortgage in 4 years and setup your personal HELOC bank?

  • Find Out Your Timeline to Pay-off Your Mortgage.
  • Enter Your Numbers and Everything Auto-Fills
  • Done-For-You Spreadsheet

De-Risk High Returns Spreadsheet

Click below to download this spreadsheet and begin de-risking your portfolio: 

  • Portfolio Balance Sheet: Get a portfolio balance sheet template to calculate net worth, assets, liabilities, cash flow, and income.
  • Risk Analysis: Download an automated spreadsheet to calculate your portfolio risk and help de-risk your portfolio.

Search Fund Primer

What is a search fund?

A search fund is a little understood vehicle that allows an acquisition entrepreneur to go purchase a business and run it. 

This method of investing in small businesses offers a passive and outsized return compared to other investment funds. 

In this primer, we delve into the Harvard Business research as well as our own experience related to acquiring small businesses.

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